It Will Come To You! with Beatriz Soto Digerolamo

Healing Vibration - Love, Peace, Forgiveness

Beatriz Soto Season 1 Episode 7

Recently I have been playing around with creativity, with new and different ways & forms in which my life fore energy, the love & the passion that moves within me want to be expressed. 

This transmission came to me, intuitively.
I opened my channel, I trusted my gift and I let it move within, through & out.
It was exactly what I needed, what my soul & heart needed. And I want to share this with you in the trust that you find it and its exactly what you need.  

Creativity is our power. This is what we are here to DO. CREATE. 

What is your next level of expression?

Lean into it, no judgment, no doubt.. fear is allowed, but alchemise it with your creative life force, I promise, its liberating!